What We Treat
Are you "OUT OF ACTION" due to a spinal issue?
Are you OFF WORK?
Are you INACTIVE from your chosen sport/activity?
Are you NO LONGER PARTICIPATING in your hobby?



We Help With...
Acute Neck and Back "Sprains and Strains" (muscular and joint)
It is very common to "pull" your back or neck from time to time. This can be debilitating and have a significant impact on your life. This may be due to over exertion or it may appear out of the blue without warning. This is a very common complaint that responds well to our care.
Nerve Pain - Sciatica & Cervical Radiculopathy
Spinal nerve pain is categorised as pain (or a change of sensation) down one or both legs or arms. It may appear with or without lower back or neck pain. It is important to receive the correct diagnosis as there are many things that may be causing your spinal nerve pain. Once diagnosed, there are a variety of treatment options that are likely to help.
Disc Injuries
Around 5% of spinal pain is due to disc injuries. A disc injury can however be extremely painful and debilitating. Chiropractic treatment and rehabilitation can help to speed the recovery time.
Neck and Back Stiffness
Every day stresses and strains can accumulate on the body and cause an increasing amount of stiffness. This can be debilitating for some and can lead to things like difficulty turning you head when driving or putting socks on in the morning. Spinal stiffness responds very well to chiropractic care.
Long term/Chronic Neck and Back Pain
For some people, pain can become a part of every day life over a long period of time. Persistent pain is unfortunately very common and requires a very thorough approach combining hands on techniques, rehab and lifestyle advice.
"Wear and tear" or Age Related Neck and Back Pain (osteoarthritis)
As we get older, our bodies can start to age and we can become more prone to spinal pain and stiffness. This type of complaint responds very well to chiropractic care.
Inflammatory neck and back pain (Ankylosing spondylitis etc)
There are a few autoimmune conditions that can cause inflammation in the spine. This type of complaint responds well to chiropractic care (as well as appropriate medication and/or lifestyle or dietary changes).