150 minutes- The minimum investment to improve your life!
We all know that exercise is a necessity in life. There is no escaping that reality. The physical and mental complications that come from ..
150 minutes- The minimum investment to improve your life!
Goal based exercise therapy- micro goals.
Goal based exercise therapy- pacing and grading
Goal based exercise therapy- establishing your goal.
An introduction to goal based exercise therapy.
The Norwich Chiropractors
Willow Lane House,
Willow Lane,
Opening Hours:
Mon: 8am - 12pm, 4-7pm.
Tues: 8am - 2pm
Wed: 8am - 11am, 2pm -8pm
Thurs: 8am - 11am, 2pm -8pm
Fri: 8am-2pm
​​Alternate Saturdays: 8am - 1pm
Sunday: Closed
01603 336186
© 2023 by Shane Derbyshire- Norwich Chiropractor